What is Hajj? Posted by Arabic language teaching online

Hajj (pilgrimage) is one of the five pillars of Islam, and is the worship of the Supreme Creator both in body and property. However, the spiritual side of the Hajj is more important than the physical one: pure intention, sincerity of heart, renunciation of all previous sins, dua (prayer), tuba (repentance) and istifar (cry for forgiveness) - make the Hajj perfect, bring the believer closer to Allah, who forgives all sins. Arabic language teaching online has a mission to guide the students. he Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said : "Whoever performs the Hajj for the sake of Allah and refrains from bad words and attitudes, will return as pure from sins as he was on the day his mother gave birth." The word "hajj" is translated as "pilgrimage". But literally it means "effort." The believer, fulfilling one of the obligatory precepts of Allah, makes a great effort, surrendering himself to the will of the Creator....