Color symbolism in Islam Posted by online Quran teaching academy



Online Quran teaching academy has a mission to teach the peoples. The Supreme Creator has created a magnificent variety of colors. Color surrounds us everywhere, it is impossible to imagine the Universe in black and white. The emergence of a color symbol, its essence, attitude to any processes, phenomena and events in human life, intercultural differentiation in color symbolism are the issues that color psychology deals with. There are few color symbols, because they are based mainly on the so-called "primary colors", one of which is green. What is green? Why is it called magic? What does it have to do with the world religion Islam?


Composed of blue and yellow, green is believed to have mystical properties. It combines the cool blue light of the intellect with the emotional warmth of yellow and produces the wisdom of equality, hope, renewal of life, and resurrection. Green is the color of spring, ripening, new growth, fertility, nature, freedom, joy, hope and, finally, paradise. Green often symbolizes continuity and immortality (it is not for nothing that it is also called "heavenly"). It is the jewelry made of green stones that is most popular and in demand among Muslims.

“Greenpeace " or "green world" in Islam

Modern researchers note that of all world religions, perhaps only Islam is closely related to the state and law. It is worth noting that Islamic classical law is ecological in nature. Green is the color of wildlife, one of the favorite colors of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), is considered a symbol and sacred color of Islam, and human life and the continuation of the human race in accordance with nature are the main values ​​of Islam. This constantly reminds the Muslim of the divine origin of animate and inanimate nature, of the need to stay within the framework established by the Shariah in relation to oneself, one's family, neighbors, and the surrounding world, so as not to harm the creations of Allah and not incur inevitable punishment.

Islam and color

This is where color symbolism reaches its climax, so it is in the countries of Islam. The identity of the Muslim symbolism of color on the face. Islam prohibits any images of people and animals, therefore the color value of drawings, painting and decoration is extremely high, and color has become one of the most expressive means. The artistic ideas of Muslims about the universe were expressed and expressed in colorful and unique patterns and ornaments.

Not only Muslims, many people like this color, and the Quran says about it: “Wherever you look, there is great bliss and great power of Allah in Paradise. They are dressed in clothes of green fine silk and thick satin”(Koran, 76: 20-21). “They will lie on beds with green bedspreads and on carpets of amazing beauty “(Quran 55:76). So, the color green in the minds of Muslims is associated with heavenly beauty and gifts, which is why many Muslims have this favorite color.

Psychologists say that green, especially of a bright color, expresses the ability to easily adapt to changing conditions, tact, politeness, worldly wisdom, tolerance for the opinions and beliefs of others. These qualities are very important for a Muslim. A person is not able to feel the fullness of life if his worldview and beliefs were formed under duress. Therefore, freedom of religion is one of the fundamental human rights proclaimed by Islam. This principle is reflected in the verse of the Koran:  “There is no compulsion in religion” (surah “Al-Bakara”, ayat 256).

A little about black and white

There are two sources in Islam - the Koran and Sunnah (the life of the prophet). As the story tells, over the army of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), banners of not only green, but also black and white colors fluttered, but this does not mean that in certain situations it is desirable (according to Islam) to use these colors in colors of flags and banners.


In each era there are things that are inherent in this particular time. Today, we cannot use any black or white as a single color of the flag, because, for example, a black color is now one of the symbols of the Raafidis ( Raafidis - those who reject and scolds associates, accusing them of unbelief, in particular the first three righteous Muslim caliphs). In addition, black is considered a symbol of night, death, repentance, sin, silence and emptiness. Since black absorbs all other colors, it also expresses denial and despair, is the opposition to white, and denotes a negative beginning. In Christian tradition, black symbolizes grief, mourning and grief.

What is the difference between white and other colors?


There is historical precedent for the use of white flags. The white flag raised up has long had the international significance of announcing a cessation of hostile actions and a humanitarian appeal.

White contains all the colors of the spectrum equally, as a result of their mixing. Therefore, white can be used to create certain combinations. All colors in white are equal. In mythology, white serves as a symbol of unity. White is a sign of justice. The white wig on the head of the judge speaks of his impartiality. A doctor in a white coat saves a person's life (by the will of the Creator). Still white is reverence, purity, simplicity, peace, humility, accuracy, innocence, youth, birth. In Western culture, white symbolizes marriage.

An interesting fact is that, while in Christian countries death and mourning are associated with black, death in Eastern cultures is associated with white. White is the color of the shroud in which the deceased is buried. White is a symbol of light, purity and truth. White is the favorite color of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Online Quran teaching academy is the best way to learn Quran at home.




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