What is Zakat and How to pay Posted by online Quran tutor


The word “zakat” means “to grow”, “to increase”. When applied to a person, this word is used in the sense of "improving”, "getting better.” Therefore, the meanings of the word "zakat”: "blessing”, "development”, "purification”, "improvement”. In the Shariah, the word "zakat" refers to a certain share of property, which, in accordance with the injunction of Allah, is distributed among the needy categories of the population. Online Quran tutor has a mission to guide the people.

WHAT IS THE USE OF ORDER The fourth pillar of Islam is zakat? The Muslims were obliged to pay it, starting from the second year of the Hijri, before fasting became obligatory in the month of Ramadan. Zakat is worship of the Creator with property. The amount of zakat is quite insignificant for a wealthy person. In most cases, it does not exceed 1/40 of the part, i.e. 2.5% of the property, and this is only once a year. However, this does not mean that more should not be given. It should be emphasized that the larger the part of the property that is allocated as zakat, the better both for the giver himself and for the society as a whole. Truly, there is nothing more just than the orders of the Almighty.

Zakat, together with namaz, are mentioned 27 times in the Quran. This fact confirms his important role in Islam. Zakat is an ibada that relieves the heart from stinginess, cleans property, awakens mercy in the souls of people. Thanks to zakat, envy leaves the hearts of the poor and have-nots, and the unity of society is strengthened. Zakat not only purifies the soul, but also contributes to its release from the humiliation of attachment to wealth and submission to its power, as well as from the scourge of slavish dependence on money. Islam strives to ensure that the Muslim was a slave of Allah alone, and freed from subjection to everything else and was the master of everything that is in this world.

 Zakat increases the state of the believer and preserves his barakat. The property from which the zakat was paid is guarded by Allah. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:  "Protect your property by paying zakat." Zakat is a measure of the believer's sincerity. When deducting zakat, a person entrusts himself to Allah and thanks Him for the bestowed benefits and mercies. He benefits the community and receives the love of others.

By paying zakat, a poor person is able to live a fulfilling life and fulfill his duties related to the manifestation of obedience to Allah. And thanks to this, the poor person feels like an active member of society, and not a lost thing that no one pays attention to. And he feels that he is in a dignified human society, which does not forget him, takes care of him and lends him a helping hand, without reproaching or offending him, while a person accepts this help from the hands of the rich, without feeling humiliated, holding his head high raised and without losing self-esteem, since he takes the share that belongs to him by right.



The one who is obliged to pay zakat is:

 1) A Muslim;

2) Reasonable;

3) An adult;

4) Free;

5) Wealthy (i.e., he must have property or money in the amount of nisab minus debts and basic necessities).

Conditions for property or money from which zakat are paid:

a) reaching the number of nisab, i.e. about 85 grams of gold, or 561 grams of silver;

 b) possession of this property for a full lunar year;

c) property should tend to increase.


Nisab is a measure of wealth established by religion. In accordance with the religious Law, Shariah, a wealthy person is one who, after deducting debts and basic necessities, has property or money in the amount of nisab. In order to give zakat "Al-fitr" or make a sacrifice, you also need to have at least a nisab of property or money. But this does not require owning the property for a full year and does not require the property to be incremental.



The Holy Quran says:

“Alms (zakat) is intended only for the poor; the have-nots; those who are involved (collection and distribution); whose hearts they want to conquer (muallafatu kulub); to ransom (to free) slaves; (insolvent) debtors; those on the path of Allah; travelers. It is prescribed by Allah, verily, Allah is Knowing, Wise. "

1) the poor (fakirs) - those who are not rich from the point of view of religion, whose property is less than the nisab; Even if they are able to earn money on their own, they can still be given zakat.

2) the have-nots (miskins) - those who have nothing;

3) Those that is busy collecting and distributing zakat;

 4) Newly adopted Islam, to increase their love for the religion of Allah;

 5) Slaves to redeem themselves from slavery (in our time this category no longer exists);

6) To debtors, those whose debts exceed the value of their property;

7) Those on the path of Allah (jihad). According to some fakikhs, zakat can be paid to the poor who want to perform the hajj (fard) and those who are on the path of acquiring knowledge.

8) Travelers who were left without funds to return to their country; even if in their homeland they have property more than nisab. They are given zakat so that they can get home.

Zakat is not paid:

 1) Father and mother, grandfather and grandmother;

2) Son, daughter and all their descendants;

3) Wealthy;

4) Non-Muslims;

 5) Husband or wife.

 6) The family of the Prophet and His family.

 7) Children under seven years old and mentally ill. Online Quran tutor is the best way to teach Quran.



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